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tool #2

the serpent spine.

Mmmm YES. I love this one so much! But I'm probably going to say that about every movement, haha. :)
I love alchemic bodywork and experiencing what it does to/for your energy. Féél that you ARE energy and indeed create your own universe. You are 'in charge', magic one.
I'm so happy that you're here and that I get to share this work with you!
That more humans are going to use & implement these movements too.
The world will be a lighter place because of it. <3 
I mean, your body is such an amazing vessel or, 'bundle of matter', and when you collaborate and co-create wíth it, it enables you to do, experience & feel SO much more.

That's why we're here on earth right?! To experience life as soul - a high frequented, universal energy - IN/AS a material body.

Everything is connected and you are 'heaven & earth' combined baby. 


So. The Serpent Spine is an incredibly intuitive movement. Following your intuition, learning to trust your instincts and dismissing the stories your mind tends to make up. But that's what makes life interesting right? Adventure. The not knowing. 

This movement is like that. You simply get your body on the mat, and see what happens.

The Serpent Spine cleans up blockages in your spine channel.

I can't emphasise enough how important your spine is. Your spine is the 'highway' of your energy, the channel your energy moves through, and, where ALL the largest energy points (chakras) are. 

Connecting you to the heavens/divine (crown chakra) and to the earth (root chakra).

So if you want to feel vigorous, vibrant and connected - your spine needs to be able to move energy through. From top to bottom and the other way around. Actually, if I'm being more specific, this energy channel lies just befóre your spine, against it, a bit more inward. From your tailbone to the top of your head.

This movement will help you clean up
your channel & 
enhance your connection with above & below.



Space - Find a space where you won't be distracted and place a yoga mat (or a soft rug) on the floor. I wouldn't recommend a hard floor for this, that's gonna hurt your knees. Maybe light a candle or some incense to really make the space your sanctuary. This moment is for you. For your energetic upkeep. 'Ritualise' it.

Music - Put on music that is not distracting but activating. The plan is to go inwards, not be triggered by outside events or noises. I'll place some music suggestions for you below! If you're intrigued, click on the image that you 'feel' right now. You can try them all this week if you like. :)

And, really try to do this movement for a WHOLE song.

Movement - Are you wearing comfortable clothing? Good! Then sit down on your knees, close your eyes, place your forehead on the floor and start moving intuitively. If you want, you can place your hands between your forehead and the floor. You don't have to keep your forehead on the mat all the time, play around with it, but make sure your spine gets all the attention.

PS - I find it easier to go inwards with my forehead touching, 
because you activate your Third Eye chakra. 

>> Read the 'Important Pointers' below & click on the video for a demonstration (I tried to fit in many different movements in 2min, so you can get a taste of it). 


Screen Shot 2021-11-30 at 19.50.04.png




☽ Keep moving. Even when you feel that you want to lie still now. Usually when you 'hit' a blockage, that's when your body stops and petrifies. Activates 'self-protection mode' to not having to feel (old) pain. Trust me, there'll be resistance. That's when you breathe in deep, be present & aware, and slowly move through it. As long as the music is going, you move. If there's emotions coming up - good.

☽ When you feel like you don't 'know' how to move anymore, start doing something complétely different from what you've been doing. We tend to fall into movements that are familiar to our body. So when you've been moving really slow, go fast. When you've been moving really flowy and round, go square and staccato. 

☽ Of course you can take your head off the floor anytime, but this exercise is about activating your intuition and using that to clean up your spine channel. That's why your Third Eye chakra touches the floor and is touched/activated that way. It cancels out the mind. Try it!

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Now you go! This week is all about following your intuition.

>> Next up: the ACTIVATOR. <<

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